Sunday, April 1, 2012

From the Mountains to the Sea

The first weekend in March I got invited to go out to Lake Arrowhead with some girls from the job. Alex worked a half day that Saturday. So bright and early, Katie (Roommate) and I met up with Laura and drove into the mountains for breakfast. Its crazy that you can get in the car at 70 degrees, drive an hour, and get out when its 40 degrees in the mountains. It was gorgeous!

 One minute you are driving in these narrow mountain roads and then everything opens up to this lake hidden away up  in the mountains. There is this town and little mom&pop shops. Too cute. This famous waffle place was up in this little cluster of old shops.
Apparently its a popular place because there was a 45 minute wait. So we walked around Lake Arrowhead.
 You can buy food to feed the thousands of ducks, or just walk out on the docks. Too cute!

We finally got seated. The Belgian Waffle Works was cool. Every topping that you can imagine. Eggs Benedict, turkey sandwich waffles....geez. I got the half Peach Melba. :)

After breakfast, we came down the mountain and Alex got off work. We decided to get some friends together and go check out the city  a bit. Alex and I got online and found some places that sounded pretty cool in Whittier. Back when we lived in KC, the Flying Saucer was one of our favorite places!
We found this place in downtown Whittier that reminded us of it, called The Bottle Room. So we called up a group and hit the town of Whittier. 

We had a blast. We actually ended up checking out a couple of bars in the area. 
One that we walked into, I SWEAR, every single person in there had a black leather jacket on but us! haha We were told there was a band there. We walk in and its nothing but two dorky looking dudes and their computers and larger than life headphones. haha I guess a "band" in CA is different than in MO. Techno at its best!

We were so out of place. We were all about to do a 180 to head out of there. But apparently, our friend Nick (yep that's him! hehe)
had no idea that we were out of place and had already bought a beer! haha So we all stayed for one drink. 

:) The whole time, seemed like everyone was just looking at us and thinking..."Those losers HAVE to be from the Midwest!" That's right YA'LL and we think we are AWESOME!

Our friends here are all really fun. They all bought T-shirts at this weird place.

We finally found a place with a real band though. All the music was in Spanish but none of us seemed to care. We were just glad that there was actually a drummer and guitars. haha
Yeah....the white guy is with us....

We made some friends too! Not sure what they were saying because we had a major language barrier but I think they liked us! ....I think?...We didn't care. We had a great time. 

The next morning, it was off to Newport Beach! 85 Degree Sunday! Seriously, amazing!

We met up with some more friends out there. We looked for shells, played Frisbee, kicked around the soccer ball, and took naps in the sun. 

We love the beach. Its instant relaxation and makes us both really happy! Can't wait til some family members and friends come out to visit, so we can share this awesome weather with you all!

And that was the first weekend in March! Saw snow in the mountains and caught sun rays on the beach. Unbelievable. 

I think I'm gonna like it here!

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