Monday, April 30, 2012

What To Do On A Rain Day??

We have found out quickly that checking the weather in LA is kinda silly.

"Yep! Its going to be sunny and beautiful again this weekend."

95% of our weekends here so far have been beach worthy. But what to do in the 5% when its rainy??

(I think I'm supposed to title this blog "Winter Sports Holiday in L.A. (Part 2)....but whatev.)
(Have I mentioned that this is the road we drive to work every morning...unbelievable!)
Yep, it was dark and gloomy in Hacienda Heights, but the mountains sure look nice. Yes! We had a brilliant idea!!! Lets go where the gross rain turns to beautiful snow!!
So we were off to go snowboarding at Big Bear!!! 1 hour drive later, the rain turned to snow!!
On the way up the mountain, we kept seeing these signs "Chains required". We kept laughing about them. 'Stupid California drivers can't drive in this tiny snow storm'. Turns out, they dont actually ALLOW you to go up the mountain without chains. They actually had a security stop to check if you had them on and if not....we were headed back down the mountain. Chains!?! You have got to be kidding me....

We found Wally right at the foothill

Alex was NOT happy about the schedule delay!

So, back up the mountain!!! ROUND 2!!!

I just know that this town made a KILLING on sending skiers and snowboarders back down the mountain. That mountain Walmart had 3 aisles of tire chains...really?....Not to mention these guys that were charging 40 bucks to install them!!

 Turns out, its quite the operation to install them. Who knew? But Alex worked a deal: If he did all the work, and the guy just showed us what to do, we could get the guy's expertise for free.
So while I stayed out of the cold, they went to work.

Finally, we were legal and headed up into the super snowy parts of the mountain! 

The snow was REALLY dumping down!! Everything was whited out.
But no issues with us. We just rode fresh powder ALL DAY!!!

We were feeling pretty skilled so we decided to run some trees! 

It didn't work out so well....

It finally cleared up and we were able to get a shot of Big Bear Lake!

Turns out, heading down the mountain is a bit challenging as well. Everyone had to 'de-chain'. 3 hours of traffic. Alex was tolerating it really well for a guy that can't STAND traffic. Yeah, LA highways systems are pretty frustrating for him! hehe

It was so bad. Dead stopped traffic. Everyone was making the best of it though. Families got out and started to play in the snow again. :)

Even with all the chains and traffic, it was one great day. We always have so much snow boarding together! :)
What a great rain day!! :)

Monday, April 16, 2012

Winter Sports Holiday in L.A. (Part 1)

Who's scared of Craigslist meet-ups? NOT this couple!!! Adventures welcome, right?....wait, that sounds bad...we aren't scared to meet up with random people in LA to purchase treasures! 

I tried to surprise Alex with Kings Hockey tickets at the Staples center the other weekend. 

So I jumped on craigslist! Hot spot for hot deals and scandals. I called up a ton of random people and finally found what I thought was a great deal. So I made the deal! A couple hours later I started regretting my decision to make this a surprise. There were a couple unknowns...

1. Are these really good seats
2. Is this really as good of a deal as I think
3. Where is the best place to meet up with this stranger to get the tickets
4. Will I be murdered

Okay, so the surprise turned more into me just telling him that I got tickets....same same. And then he ended up paying for them....Its the thought that counts! Right?

So the date was set. Meet at the Starbucks in downtown LA on Thursday after work. A nice crowded place. Get 100 dollar bill. Cash only for this exchange!

This was really the first time I had gone down to the business side of LA. It was amazing!

I swear. In the Midwest, we have buildings for a purpose. Business, concert halls, stadiums! Here in LA, I think they just show off. And its working...I was so impressed!

We hit the 'exchange'. Starbucks had a couple cops in it so Alex says, "Oh good, cops just showed up in case the transaction goes bad." haha It didn't. Our mystery man was actually a tiny Asian woman who hardly spoke English and was way more intimidated by us than the other way around. 

So while in downtown LA, we decided to do dinner at this brewery that is outdoors and they have a garden on the 4th floor of the Westin Hotel. YEP! I'm there!
The Bonaventure Brewing Company

We looked like tourists that night. Its like 60 degrees out and breezy and I was determined to sit outside! haha That coat Alex has on was claimed as mine moments later. :) I can't seem to grasp that I can't where Sunny Day clothes everyday in California....whatev!

Saturday we did a little shopping at one of Alex's favorite places
He needed some gloves for our Sunday plans!...

We got some dinner at a SUPER new original place that is Auzzie themed and serves yummy steak.
Okay, fine. its just Outback. But you know you love it too! Plus, we had to eat and go...

 it was GAME NIGHT!!! (And St. Patty's Day!)
First goal was scored by Alex's favorite player, Anze Kopitar!!! From Slovenia! Very handsome :) 

The game was extra cool because the opposing team, the Nashville Predators, has a lot of players from their minor league affiliate in Milwaukee that Alex grew up watching and cheering for!

The Kings played a great game!!! We had awesome seats. 
 Good times!

Well we had to go home and rest up because Sunday was going to be a big day!!!
We had plans to go up to Big Bear Mountain to go snowboarding with a bunch of friends....

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A Little Outdoors for Everyone

Weekends are well planned around here. The weekdays are usually late nights at work, a quick dinner at home, 30 minutes spent with a DVRed Tosh.O, and then its bedtime. So when the weekends come, Alex and I are always ready for some outdoor fun. Saturday morning, Alex found this hiking trail that was less than 2 miles from our house. So, why not!? Lets go check it out!

It was a gorgeous day!

All the way up the mountain, it seemed like we had the trail to ourselves. It was a nice steep hike so we got a little work out in and also got to take in the views and hang out together. 

I think one of Alex's favorite parts was all the lizards we saw. Every time there was a rustling of the grass, I jumped away and Alex jumped toward it! 

"Gross"....I said that a lot during our hike. I TRY to be a cool out doors chick. But in reality, I like clean things; things that smell good; grass that is 2 inches high that no LIZARDS hide in!

But I'm doing better....

I DO love the hikes we have taken so far. As long as I don't encounter any snakes and don't have to go to the bathroom outside, I'm IN!

Oh and as long as Alex leads the way utilizing the 'spider-web knocking down' stick as well as his intimidating aviators to scare away the 'vermon'.

As we climbed, we stopped along the way to check out plants we had never seen before and take in the scenery. 

We got a kick out of the name of this one...

And before I knew it, I was taking the lead and over my "Gross" fears! I'm not totally 'outdoorsy' yet but I'm sure Alex will help me with the trails that he has planned this year all over California. :) 

Even Sunny got some outdoor breeze that weekend. This is his new favorite spot in the house...The lower window open in the, what Alex dubbed, The Breakfast Nook.

On Sunday, Alex took me down to LA Live!. Its an area of downtown that kinda reminds me of KC Power and Light in Kansas. But at this downtown area, the HUNGER GAMES premiered!!! We went the day before and everyone was literally camped out for the excitement. 

Now Zoom in!
 So we peaked over by 'The Hob' to see if we could see any celebs. Problem is, there's no big names in the movie really. So until we saw it, I wouldn't be able to pick these people out. But now looking back at the pictures, if you look closely under the umbrella.....Cato!!!! And its not done there!!...if you look right under the G of Games...behind the black hair...YEP!!! Its none other than ...Katniss!!!!

For the next 5 days or so, these two are basically A-List celebs!!! I don't care if its temporary....I'm counting it! A-list celebs are ON the list!

Celeb Siting #2!!!!
Alexander Ludwig - Cato!
Well, I have to say that is one attractive Career Tribute! :)

Celeb Siting #3
Jennifer Lawrence - Katniss!
(I think she looks better in braids in a more natural look. Cinna and I obviously agree that makeup on this girl just doesn't look right.)

So after the celeb watch, the rest of the afternoon, we walked around downtown, caught a beer at the Yard House, and added to our LA to-do list. One of these is the Grammy Museum. I might have to save this for when Abby comes to town the first weekend in May!!!
I mean, if my girls Sofia Grace & Rosie went, its got to be AWESOME!!!

Yep! Downtown LA is my favorite place in Cali so far. Love it! We MUST attend a Kings game at the Staples Center!

So lots more to come of downtown LA! :) I mean, if they paint the sides of 3 whole buildings for just a movie advertisement, this place has got to change fast...and I don't want to miss anything!
 (The Dictator)

Talk to you all later!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

From the Mountains to the Sea

The first weekend in March I got invited to go out to Lake Arrowhead with some girls from the job. Alex worked a half day that Saturday. So bright and early, Katie (Roommate) and I met up with Laura and drove into the mountains for breakfast. Its crazy that you can get in the car at 70 degrees, drive an hour, and get out when its 40 degrees in the mountains. It was gorgeous!

 One minute you are driving in these narrow mountain roads and then everything opens up to this lake hidden away up  in the mountains. There is this town and little mom&pop shops. Too cute. This famous waffle place was up in this little cluster of old shops.
Apparently its a popular place because there was a 45 minute wait. So we walked around Lake Arrowhead.
 You can buy food to feed the thousands of ducks, or just walk out on the docks. Too cute!

We finally got seated. The Belgian Waffle Works was cool. Every topping that you can imagine. Eggs Benedict, turkey sandwich waffles....geez. I got the half Peach Melba. :)

After breakfast, we came down the mountain and Alex got off work. We decided to get some friends together and go check out the city  a bit. Alex and I got online and found some places that sounded pretty cool in Whittier. Back when we lived in KC, the Flying Saucer was one of our favorite places!
We found this place in downtown Whittier that reminded us of it, called The Bottle Room. So we called up a group and hit the town of Whittier. 

We had a blast. We actually ended up checking out a couple of bars in the area. 
One that we walked into, I SWEAR, every single person in there had a black leather jacket on but us! haha We were told there was a band there. We walk in and its nothing but two dorky looking dudes and their computers and larger than life headphones. haha I guess a "band" in CA is different than in MO. Techno at its best!

We were so out of place. We were all about to do a 180 to head out of there. But apparently, our friend Nick (yep that's him! hehe)
had no idea that we were out of place and had already bought a beer! haha So we all stayed for one drink. 

:) The whole time, seemed like everyone was just looking at us and thinking..."Those losers HAVE to be from the Midwest!" That's right YA'LL and we think we are AWESOME!

Our friends here are all really fun. They all bought T-shirts at this weird place.

We finally found a place with a real band though. All the music was in Spanish but none of us seemed to care. We were just glad that there was actually a drummer and guitars. haha
Yeah....the white guy is with us....

We made some friends too! Not sure what they were saying because we had a major language barrier but I think they liked us! ....I think?...We didn't care. We had a great time. 

The next morning, it was off to Newport Beach! 85 Degree Sunday! Seriously, amazing!

We met up with some more friends out there. We looked for shells, played Frisbee, kicked around the soccer ball, and took naps in the sun. 

We love the beach. Its instant relaxation and makes us both really happy! Can't wait til some family members and friends come out to visit, so we can share this awesome weather with you all!

And that was the first weekend in March! Saw snow in the mountains and caught sun rays on the beach. Unbelievable. 

I think I'm gonna like it here!