Sunday, May 20, 2012

Welcome to Hollywood!

I remember seeing the movie Pretty Woman....
This is pretty much how giddy Abby looked on Hollywood Blvd...

"Welcome to Hollywood! What's your dream? Everybody comes here; this is Hollywood, land of dreams. Some dreams come true, some don't; but keep on dreamin' - this is Hollywood."

The quote is true...Everyone apparently DOES come here. And there are a lot of dreamers....or crazies. Even just driving TO Hollywood blvd is an experience. This was a road side classic...

Yes its true. As my Dad always says, "Its the land of fruits and nuts." But we sure do love it! :)

So off to Hollywood Blvd we traveled...Abby kept freaking out that its Carl's Jr. here instead of Hardees. Still the best fast food breakfast around, whatever they call it. :)

1st stop, Grauman's Chinese Theatre!

Abby walked all over the concrete hand/foot prints to get shots with everyone that she liked. 

Jane Russell & Marilyn Monroe "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes"....That's right!
Harry Potter Cast!

We looked forever for Tom Selleck's prints for mom but couldn't find them. 

Alex was being such a good sport but the celeb-crazed thing isn't really his gig. All the sudden, we found Alex's Hollywood passion....Food Trucks!!!

Out of nowhere, 7 or 8 food trucks pull right up to the theatre! Trucks from all over the country...And then camera crews are everywhere!!

We were all wondering what was going on! Then all the sudden I see fish tacos on one of the signs. I'M SOLD! Fish Tacos are my new favorite food! I'm like, lets get some! So Abby and I walk up to the lady selling and order some. 

All the sudden we are surrounded in camera crews 
and they are asking us to do exactly what we just did, "Girls!!! Look over here! Tell her that you would like to order some fish tacos again!"
"Where are you two from?!"
"Are you sisters?"
"Tell us about Saint Louis!"
"Why are you in LA today?"
The camera crews were from Food Network and they were taping a show called "The Great Food Truck Race"
With every question, Abby's response was the same...."This is Crraaaaazy..."
"Abby, what do you think of food trucks?" - This is craaaazy!
"Abby, do you like fish tacos?" - ha, ha, ha....This is crazy!
Later, we had to sign a waiver to have them put us on the show. The guy doing the waivers told Abby, watching her on camera was like watching Talladega Nights!

What do I do with my hands?!?

It was so funny!!! Alex, Abby, and I just laughed for a while about us being on the show, about abby getting camera shy, and walked around the Blvd.

We got some great shots of the Hollywood Sign from the shopping area.

It was a great day on Hollywood Blvd!

1 comment:

  1. Love this blog! the food truck pictures felt like I was there I could feel the excitement. Not sure if you were excited about food or being on TV but I think the answer to that question is YES!
