Thursday, February 2, 2012

A New Reason to Visit Home A Lot!!

Congratulations to my brother and sister-in-law and their new family!! On Wednesday, February 1st, 2012, Ethan Thomas entered the world at 8:15am. He's one handsome fella! Baby girls everywhere, watch yourselves. This little-big man is weighing in at a football potential of 9lbs 5oz. His doctor reported, "We have a boy and he is deliciously full-bodied."....Sounds more like a cup of coffee than a baby! :) But then we saw him....and he's perfect. :)

He's not only a looker He's tall too! At 21.4", he's in the 99th percentile. I'm sayin'!!! NBA scholarships!!

And HAIR!!! (he is about 3 hours old in this one...i think....there were a lot of pics going around....I think I know what song was in Michelle's head at this moment...None other than Ms. B-Spears 'Paparazzi')
There's not much newborn hair in the family. We were all a bunch of baldys. Thank you so much Ethan for bringing baby Mohawks into our lives!!

Mr. Ethan Thomas has a VERY large fan club! Lots of loving family members were there. Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, and Grandpas and Grandmas!! :)

(Abby will get a pic here if she ever sends it to me)

Mom, Dad, and Baby are doing great. All the nurses and doctors kept going on and on about what a labor BEAST Michelle was. Michelle is changed in my mind forever. Don't let her cute hair cuts, girly dresses, and photography artistic flare fool you. This girl is a Natural Childbirth Champion! Sounds like she was REALLY hardcore in there. She didn't even show up to the hospital until 2 hours before Ethan arrived. Although, lets be serious....Did we really expect Adam and Michelle (the famous non-planners) to arrive early? I think she even surprised Adam with how tough she was about it all. I have an adorable picture of her and Ethan but if she ever posted a pic of me in a hospital gown on her blog, I would probably delete her blog from my favorites bar. :) So instead I will just tell you that she looked awesome. Kinda sickening how great her hair,skin and new Mommy smile was after 14 hours plus of labor. None of us looked that good and all we did was sit in a waiting room. She rocks. PERIOD.

I think it was a little shocking at first. I mean, Adam and Michelle's TO-DO list for the last 9 months has been 1 item. Get baby Ethan into the world. Well CHECK!! Its like I can read what Adam is thinking in this picture..."Okay, He's here!!!......No what?"

Just kidding! :) In truth, I've never seen my brother be so comfortable with a baby. He was all about the info on the pregnancy, labor, and all the medical stuff they do post birth. But then again, its not surprising. Adam was born to be a Dad. Even when we were little, people would ask us what we wanted to be when we grew up. Adam would always answer, a Dad. Well sometimes he answered 'a slide so that rabbits will hide under me when it rains'. But turns out one of his childhood dreams has come true yesterday and I'm so proud of his new family. I can't wait to see Ethan grow up. Getting to know him is going to be so fun. :) He doesn't even do anything yet except sleep, potty, and coo and I already can't stop starting at him.

Ethan, we are all in love. I'm not sure when I'm going to be able to finish thanking God for making you and adding you to our family. You are so precious. God has placed you perfectly with a Mom and Dad that prayed for you, love you so much, and are going to be such great parents.

1 comment:

  1. Amy! I love this blog especially this post!!! Love love it!!!
