Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Highlights!!: (Early/Mid July)

Okay, I said I was just hitting the highlights but our WHOLE summer was highlight-able! I'm going to have to do this in pieces. Some stuff is too good to miss :)

July was a PACKED month. Not only was the project really starting to ramp up and FLY through work, we had a FULLY LOADED social calendar.

Every year over the 4th of July, Triglav Park has a Triathlon. It was my first year to witness the race or compete. I was really nervous about how competitive it was going to be. As everyone knows, I'm not the MOST athletic lady. (My sister, Abby, got all the lady coordination in the family.) So I chose to watch. I'm so glad I did! The competition and the commentators were SOO fun!!!

The race starts with a swim, out to the dock, around, and back. Then its to the bike, all the way around the lake. Then the 1.5 mile, or so, run through the park up the street and back. 
All the participators of the race were celebrated! Next year, I"M IN! I'll be trained and ready!

My favorite thing about visiting and hanging out at Triglav Park is chilling on the beach or at 'The Hex'.

It is so much fun just to talk to everyone, have some drinks, enjoy the park & sun, and ALWAYS get the chance to watch some Mejac Competition or Stunt in the water. :)

With all that working out earlier in the morning, you would think that the Mejac boys would have spent their energy for the weekend. Not even close!

In a quick conversation about the blue gill population overtaking the lake, the guys decided it was time to thin the heard! Professional net fishermen were born.

When Alex and I got back from our weekend in Milwaukee-Home, we had a couple difficult weeks. Busy at work, busy with family, and just ready for a break. We decided to have a mini-vacation weekend in our own town. Saturday morning, we left early in the morning, to hike ...

Mount Baldy

As close as it looks in that picture, its actually about an hour and a half away. We headed out thinking we would beat the heat for the most intense part of the hike.... We were wrong. Turns out, there are 2 ways to hike up Ole Mt. Baldy.
Path 1: Luxury, Beauty, Awe
Path 2: No Air, Legs dying, I'm gonna collapse!

Did anyone care to tell US that? NOPE! These mid-west noobs just went for it. At the first sight of the hike path, I looked at Alex in panic. He could see the Thought Bubble above my head,
'I'll NEVER be able to do this!'
This is where Alex replies like he has hiked this mountain a million times.
"Don't worry, there is no way that its like this the whole way."

Well it was!!! This great pic is when we were still naive to that fact.

Somewhere around this picture below, we all started to realize that we bit off more than we could chew!
There aren't many pictures after this...probably a good thing. I was sucking air and THANK GOD, so was everyone else. But nevertheless, we burned some SERIOUS calories that day and saw some beautiful views. We didn't summit Mt. Baldy that day though.

After such a strenuous day, Alex and I decided that a beautiful Rib-eye might be in order. To top off our in-town mini-vacay weekend, Alex took me to Ruth's Chris (our favorite place) to celebrate my birthday.

It was such a perfect birthday dinner.
Just us :)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

6 or So Months: The Hightlights!! (May/June)

It takes a while to get my thoughts together on a New Year's Resolution. I usually end up with about 3 resolutions by Jan 1. Months go by, okay fine!...Days go by and at least 2 of them are LOST and I just try to hold at least 1 to fruition. This year, I think that one is going to be BLOGGING MORE. Promise!

In the meantime, everyone is going to have to just enjoy my sporadic posts. Have I mentioned how much we work!? Alex put in, on average, 14 hour days this summer and I was behind that total with an EASY 12 hour day on average. But week nights spent relaxing, making dinner, and sitting down to a nice blog post.....YEAH, that just didn't happen. But things are beginning to come together on the project. We are starting to have more free time during the week. And as you will see in the next couple of posts....We DID fit in the fun stuff on the weekends and plan to continue!

We work a lot, have done a lot, and it has been a great summer!!!

Have fun because I'm about to update you on the last....6 months or so!!! HOLD ON TIGHT because we are going to be flying fast!

In May we went Deep Sea Fishing on a boat named The Ocean Odyssey. We drove down to San Diego and boarded the boat headed for the shores of Mexico!!!

The weekend before, the crew and fishermen brought in 14 YellowTail Tuna!!! We were stoked. Check out our massive haul of FISH!!!

Okay....It wasn't our day for BIG FISH. Maybe next time. But we had one GREAT day on the ocean. The Mexican Police boarded the boat to check our papers. I was JUST about to get an AWESOME picture of this but the Captain informed me that the Mexican police don't take too well to eager tourists looking to get arrested. "OK! Point taken!"

The other eventful part of the day was watching everyone around us drop like flies!! Puker-Mc-Pukersons! EVERYONE seemed to get sea sick!....NOT US!!! We fished all day!

We had such a great day!

In June we spent the day in Temecula. SoCal's Wine Country. It was beautiful! We had plans to visit 3 or 4 wineries. First one we got to, we loved so much, we stayed for a Bottle! :)

It was a great day with wine, cheese, crackers and sunshine. We did make it to one more winery where I proceeded to sign up for a Wine Club. The next day I realized that it was $80/month. CANCELLED. Whoops. Next time we visit Temecula, Alex will be in charge of the credit card! haha

Later that month, actually on my Birthday weekend, our friend Leah came to visit!
Leah has been my PARTY PARTNER since college and when she heard we were living in Cali, I knew she would make the trip out. Her and I get together and its like no time has passed since we last saw each other!
She's a great friend and I'm SOOO SOOO glad she visited!! We had a great weekend!

.....more on the next post. Hopefully sooner than later.