Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Hey! Ketchup!!! 1: San Diego & Family Visits

Over Memorial Day Weekend, Alex and I.....!!!!

I know! I know! I need to catch you all up! I'm a champion blog slacker! Things got a little crazy there for a while! We've been so busy actually doing fun stuff that we didn't have time to stop and tell everyone about it! Ironic, right?

But I'm recommitted to fantastic blog updating. PROMISE....

....Geez! Freak out why don't you....

As I was saying, over memorial day, Alex and I wanted to do something out of town. So we started talking about it with friends and the next thing we knew, us and 12 of our friends were headed to GORGEOUS San Diego!!

What a blast! If I had to pick a group favorite for the weekend, it would unanimously be....Rooftop bars! Who doesn't love a pool, a drink, and some sunshine :)

A close 2nd to roof top bars, had to be "Rickshaw Races"

We, somehow, got the Rickshaw Runners convinced that we MUST RACE! One cart vs the other. We were all laughing the whole time. There was a winner but I'm just gonna say it...THEY CHEATED. Getting out and pushing is clearly not allowed in the rule book! This was my view in our cart. We were really packed in!

Have I mentioned our room? Somehow, we got us all in 2 hotel rooms. Our hotel was right on the bay...and totally worth splitting the rooms for this view!

There were big tourist plans for San Diego. Zoo, Seaworld, grab a fish taco, etc.

Well, we talked about these things, but when it came down to it, I think we experienced memorial weekend in SD the way the locals do. With party party party!

We did get to check out one of Alex's 'Must Sees'. The Broken Yoke! It was on Man vs. Food and we had to try it out. :)

We fell in love with Eggs Benedict that day. Mine had avacado on it...what's not to love?? And they just happened to be having a Mimosa Happy-Morning deal that day!

So 1 to 4 mimosas later and we are back to partying on roof tops!

About this exact when we decided that 'Bottle Service', aka the VIP treatment, at the hottest club in town was a GREAT idea!

And it was! We were greeted at the door by name, shown to our personal table right on the dance floor, and introduced to our personal waitress and bouncer. First thing Alex said after arriving, "I could get used to this! We are doing this again!"
Alex and I @ FLUX

Matt thought he was a model for Ciroc for a while...haha
What a great time!

Then, out of no where, this UK pop artist shows up and gives a mini concert at the club! Unreal!
Please ignore the scantily dressed women...I know I tried to make sure Alex ignored them. ;)

It was a SERIOUS dance party the rest of the night after that! See if you can find Alex in the crowd....Man's a dancer :)

Lights were up and it was closing time. GREAT NIGHT!

Next day, it was time to pack up and meet up with the Holzer's in Venice. Nothing like a morning after partying: go bake in the sun of Venice. :) I believe this is called detoxing???

As soon as we found the Holzer family on the beach, it was time to have some water fun!

Jen constructed a beautiful bikini for Jack. Not sure how Jack felt about it! LOL

After beach time was off to the boardwalk.
We saw the best street show I've ever seen that day! These guys were amazing!

Then we saw one of the weirdest street shows that I have ever seen...and I got in the show. HA!

What a great day, hanging with the Holzer's at Venice Beach :) Such a fun loving family!

We couldn't have asked for a better Memorial Day Weekend :)

More Ketchup blogs to follow :) PROMISE!!